living and

Authentic living and leading programs

Survive and thrive in
change and diversity

Survive and thrive in change and diversity

Connect with us

Good day,

I know how it feels to suffer on your own in an ever-changing, complex world. It is a soul-and-life-destroying experience. I deserved better and so do you. I have been coaching leaders for over 23 years. I have guided thousands of leaders locally and internationally to become their fundamental best. My secret to empowering clients is a trusted process inspired by my academic foundation and lived leadership experiences.

We believe that you can flourish. You can reach your leadership potential.

suffering in complexity, change & transitions

stop suffering alone in your leadership and team

get unstuck. unlock your untapped potential with us

you and your team were designed to flourish

start living and leading authentically

life giving energy

Discover what energises you


Find clarity on how to tackle the future

reach team potential

Flourish and become your fundamental best

how we can help

authentic living & leading keynote

45 minute keynote to create awareness around the effects of transition, change and complexity and how it can destroy your life and leadership. A 3 step coping plan is provided to allow you to reclaim your leadership and life.

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leadership & team programmes

Reclaim your life and leadership with this 12 month, 3 day, or 1 day programmes. These programmes are designed to empower you to flourish as a leader and team. Includes assessments such as Enneagram, Strengthfinder and MBTI.

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change & diversity facilitation

Making sense of reality and the goings-on of your team or organisation, with this 3-hour facilitated clarifying intervention. A change management and diversity process could be designed on the above facilitated intervention.

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step 1

assess your space

Become Aware of Your Needs

step 2

map a strategy

Become Aware of The Help Available

step 3

engage to flourish

Take Your First Step to Increasing Your Moments of Greatness

a trusted process

Some people worry that if they seek help, they will receive judgement. Well, I only work with successful people. Only the courageous will ask for help. The impact of tiredness & confusion on leadership and team productivity has been highly underestimated in terms of its dangers. You could lose clients. By engaging with our programmes this could be a risk mitigating intervention. Some people may not want to pay for help. But what is the cost of a lower or loss of productivity? Absenteeism, health, high staff turnover and bad decision making. With our courses you can intervene proactively before disaster strikes. Don’t underestimate the real issues of suffering, tiredness and confusion in leadership.




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