A life giving
way of

A life giving way of in-Christ leadership

Following unforced
rhythms of grace

Following unforced rhythms of grace

Connect with us

Good day,

I know the feeling of being part of a team that is Leading for God, but feeling confused and dead inside… People around you shouting about what they need from you, even motivating you to do more with less. You may be struggling to lead for Christ in different spheres and environments. The old ways of staying inspired may feel ineffective. I’ve been leading in teams in church, business, education and NGO environments for the past 23 years. I have guided many leaders and their teams to get back to themselves, their core business and enjoy leading again. I empower clients with a trusted process inspired by an academic foundation and my lived experiences.

you can gain the whole world but lose the soul of your leadership

stop feeling confused and dead inside

listen to and follow the real voice within you

lead for longer in-Christ

start your journey
in-Christ leadership

stop & stay

Follow unforced rhythms of grace


Continue leading for longer

lead longer

Take the first step to enjoy meaningful and soulful leadership again

how we can help

3 day in-Christ leadership and team programmes

Soul of Leadership
Focusing on relationship with God and Self. Formation of in-Christ leadership. Enneagram included.

Beyond Teamwork
Focusing on teams of leaders. Formation of in-Christ teams.

Meaningful Organisational Impact
Focusing on the impact of organisation. Formation of in-Christ culture. These programmes are designed to discover a life-giving way of leadership rooted in Christ.

Connect with us

in-Christ leadership and team keynote

45 minute keynote to create awareness around this life giving way of leadership. 3 step leadership rhythm plan provided to allow you to Stop & Stay. Listen and Lead Longer.

Connect with us

ceo coaching

A life-giving way of leadership. This 12 session trustworthy and personal coaching experience will allow you to discern and integrate the in-Christ leadership approach into your life, leadership and organisation.

Connect with us
step 1

assess your space

Become Aware of Your Leadership and Team Needs

step 2

map a strategy

Become Aware of The Help Available

step 3

engage and lead longer

Take Your First Step to Reconnect With This Life Giving Way of Leadership

a life giving way

This is not just another christian leadership course. In-Christ leadership will give you a life giving way of leadership that can add value in any job. We will enhance your professional life and your spiritual life. You may think that you don’t have the time to attend a workshop with your busy schedule. We believe that you make time for what matters. In-Christ Leadership matters greatly. You cannot put a price on the invaluable skills that will be taught in our programmes.
Invest in your real self today!

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